SF Wireless ISP MonkeyBrains Tries To Crowdfund $325 Million For A Satellite

Well, this is amusing. San Francisco wireless ISP MonkeyBrains (who some friends use and love) has posted an IndieGogo crowdfunding project in which they’re seeking $325,000,000 (yes, that’s $325 million) to build a satellite to deliver internet access. The “tiers” are interesting. The lowest is $5,000 (two people have claimed those already!) but then quickly escalate to $10 million for the second tier. Of course, if you pay that, you get a gigabit internet connection for 5 years (only 5? guys, c’mon!). The full description of the project is worth reading:


MonkeyBrains is a local ISP in San Francsico.  North Korea just launched a satellite; we want to as well.

The Cost Breakdown of Launching a Satellite

A quick internet search reveals that this is the cost for getting a satellite into orbit:

  • Satellite manufacture: $150M
  • Satellite launch: $120M
  • Launch insurance: $20M
  • In-orbit insurance: $20M
  • Satellite operations (15 years): $15M

Faster Internet!

Our initial research seems to indicate having a satellite in orbit may not speed up your internet at all. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satellite_Internet_access#Geostationary_unsuitable_for_low-latency_applications].  However, if more research doesn’t bode well for a geostationary satellite, we will take all of the $325M to fund either:

  • Fiber to the home.
  • A balloon tethered to the Farallon islands.
  • a hovering drone over the Bay.

Trust Us

Some people just can’t beleive we want to make the Internet Faster and Cheaper (and more Out of Control) than it already is.  Your money will be spent well, and San Francisco (and possibly — if funds allow) the entire Bay Area will benefit.  We have set this fundraiser as Fixed Funding, so there is no risk of sending MonkeyBrains a little bit of money from your wallet without many other people feeling the same way.

Obviously, this is a joke by MonkeyBrains, but it’s still interesting to see. It appears that they’re trying to use this as a bit of a marketing effort — not all that different from some of the products we’ve offered for sale in our store. The reason people like crowdfunding goes beyond just the money-raising part to the fact that it can also be an effective marketing platform. Here, it looks like MonkeyBrains is testing out the marketing aspect with little likelihood of actually using the fundraising part.

Oh, and don’t miss the video, in which they explain their plan to use UFOs to deliver little pieces of internet from the satellite to your computer.

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