Software Development Posts of Interest – March 2012

This post references some of the recent blog posts and articles that have interested me. Topics include Java-specific topics such as Java EE, JavaFX, Scala, and Gradle as well as more general software development topics such as software patents and open source.

Why Software Patents are Evil

Simon Phipps summarizes in Why software patents are evil why patents in software may not make sense:

Patents may work in other industries, where the cost of innovation is so high that a temporary, state-sanctioned monopoly provides just enough time to gain a return on the investment. But that investment-return ratio has a completely different value for software. It turns out that software patents have little bearing on encouraging innovation. … Software patents are … bad news for most innovators in the software industry.

Phipps also looks at the relationship between software patents and open source software. He writes, “The problem is that open source software is defenseless against the anticompetitive abuse of patents.”

Java EE 6 Versus Spring Framework

In the post Why is Java EE 6 better than Spring? Arun Gupta discusses why he believes developers should use Java EE 6 rather than the Spring Framework. Gupta begins the post by referencing several similar blog posts including Java EE wins over Spring and Why I will use Java EE (JEE, and not J2EE) instead of Spring in new Enterprise Java Projects in 2012.

Some of the feedback comments on this post are interesting because they demonstrate the differences of opinions between Java EE evangelists and Spring Framework evangelists (with comments from employees of both Oracle and SpringSource/VMWare among them). It is interesting to see the role reversal in this situation. Evangelists of the Spring Framework (even before it was so named) helped convince the Java enterprise development community of the problems with early J2EE, but now it seems the tables have turned and similar evangelism is advertising the “legacy” nature of Spring Framework as compared to modern Java EE.

Java EE 6 vs Spring – let’s get ready to rumble provides another look at this post.

Oracle’s Long-Term Intentions for Java

Paul Krill‘s Oracle lays out long-range Java intentions summarizes the “Oracle slide presentation entitled ‘To Java SE 8 and Beyond!’ posted on the QCon conference website.” Based on Krill’s summary, this presentation sounds very similar to the Oracle OpenWorld 2011 presentation From Java SE, 2012, to Java 12: Java SE Roadmap.

Reducing Memory Usage and Garbage Collections with -XX:+UseCompressedOops

Stuart Leneghan‘s post Reducing Java Memory Usage and Garbage Collections with the UseCompressedOops VM Option looks at the author’s observation of the -XX:+UseCompressedOops HotSpot-specific JVM option “[reducing] the memory usage of the application by 14% and the number of garbage collections by 24%.”

More on Java Tuning

Speaking of Java performance and memory tuning, Rupesh Ramachandran‘s post Java Tuning in a Nutshell – Part 1 provides a “JVM tuning cheat sheet” and categorizes JVM options into four categories: garbage collection, heap tuning, logging, and other performance.

The IBM DeveloperWorks article From Java code to Java heap is fairly comprehensive, providing background details on JVM memory handling and a focus on the impact of different Java collections on memory. This article also references the HotSpot option -XX:+UseCompressedOops as well as the similar IBM JVM option -Xcompressedrefs.

Understanding Garbage Collection is another recently-posted resource. This post is “the first of a series of ‘Become a Java GC Expert’ articles” and its focus is on introducing garbage collection in Java. The same site also hosts the blog post How to Analyze Java Thread Dumps. Figure Out Why Java is Eating CPU provides an interesting tip.


There continues to be a profusion of Scala posts. Recent posts include How Scala Can Improve Your Life, Is Scala making the right steps forward?, Scala creator Martin Odersky fends off critics of Scala’s roadmap, Free online books for learning Scala, and Scala: Sink or Swim? Part 1. I have also seen new references to Twitter’s Effective Scala.

Unit Testing

Neil Buesing‘s post How to Mock Final Classes in Unit Tests examines the problem that “both Mockito and EasyMock cannot mock classes (or methods) that are final.” The feedback comments are also informative and discuss other available solutions to this issue: PowerMock), Groovy-based gMock, and JMockit.

Improved Java Stack Trace Presentation

Tomasz Nurkiewicz has posted two blog posts on how to improve Java stack trace experience using the Logback Project. Filtering irrelevant stack trace lines in logs demonstrates his “proof-of-concept” for filtering out selected stack trace frames using Logback and references the StackOverflow thread Cleaning noise out of Java stack traces. An older post, Logging exceptions root cause first, discusses a feature he contributed to Logback for displaying exceptions with root cause first rather than last.

A Peek at NetBeans 7.2

Geertjan Wielenga‘s NetBeans Java Hints: Quick & Dirty Guide provides a peek at a capability coming in NetBeans 7.2 for creating NetBeans hints.


Last milestone for Gradle as it prepares for first major version cites the Gradle roadmap and states that the current version of Gradle (“1.0-milestone-9, released on 13th March 2012″) “will be the final one” before Gradle goes into release candidate.

GroovyFX and JavaFX

Gradle is not the only product in the Groovy ecosystem with recent version advancement news. Dean Iverson has announced the GroovyFX First Official Release. He also shows how to use Grape to “grab” GroovyFX similar to the approach shown in my post Easy Groovy Logger Injection and Log Guarding.

Other interesting recent posts related to JavaFX include Example CSS Stylying in JavaFX, New in JavaFX 2.1: ComboBox, and Packaging JavaFX Applications as Native Installers.

Groovy and DevOps

In the post Groovy, A Reasonable JVM Language for DevOps, Geoffrey Papilion writes that Groovy provides the “JVM glue” he sought for “a simple JVM language that allows me to use any native object.” After demonstrating use of Groovy for a “quick script to get data from JMX into ganglia fromSsolr,” he concludes

So, if you’re working in a Java with a bunch of Java apps, think about giving Groovy a chance for writing some of your monitoring tests, and metric collectors. It is a simpler language than Java to put together those little applications that can tell you how your system is performing, and well within the reach of your average DevOps engineer.

DNS for Software Developers

Doug Rathbone‘s post DevOps DNS for Developers – Now There’s No Excuse Not To Know is intended to help software developers become more familiar with the basics of DNS. This does seem like the sort of article one would except to be associated with the DevOps movement.

The Big Three JVM Languages

The Big Three – Scala, Clojure and Groovy is a blog post with observations about Groovy, Scala, and Clojure seeming to be the most popular JVM languages among Java developers based on two polls (Which alternate JVM language do you prefer? and Which JVM Language Is On Top?). Charles Oliver Nutter has added a feedback comment regarding JRuby being a more popular JVM language when you consider Ruby developers.

Java 7 WatchService

The post What’s New in Java 7: WatchService describes java.nio.file.WatchService and calls the related functionality “one of the more interesting … new features in Java 7.” This is a fairly concise post that quickly introduces the functionality and includes sample code.

Opinions on Rails, Hibernate, Google, JSON’s License Agreement, and the Spanish Theory of Management

I started this post with reference to an opinion-oriented post on open source and patents. It seems symmetrically pleasing to close this post with references to other opinion-oriented pieces. Tyler Menezes discusses technical and cultural reasons he won’t use Ruby on Rails in the simply titled post I will not learn Rails. James Whittaker provides a articulate and insightful post Why I left Google.

Rob Gordon is “not impressed” with Hibernate 4.1 ease of use. The Dodgy Coder blog (“Never trust a programmer in a suit”) includes a post on the “Spanish Theory” of project management.

Brian Fox points out that JSON’s license agreement states “The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil.” Fox further points out that “compliance is impossible” and that “this isn’t even open source.” He asserts that “this additional clause adds an unnecessary complication” and I tend to agree. The folks in suits are not comfortable with objective statements in the license agreements.


I have summarized and linked to Java-specific and general software development posts of interest in this blog post. The software development industry continues to be ever-changing and full of news.

This entry was posted in General Development, Gradle, Groovy, Java EE 6, Java SE 7, JavaFX, NetBeans, Ruby, Scala, Spring Framework, Syndicated. Bookmark the permalink.

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