New York Times Insists It Can Stay Part Of The Conversation With ‘First Click Free’

While I’ve still been linking to NY Times articles for Techdirt posts, if there are decent stories on the same subject elsewhere, I’ve been starting to use those other sources instead. That’s because I know we’re getting closer and closer to 2011 — when the NY Times has promised to lock up its content behind a paywall. The company still keeps pretending that it can have the best of both worlds, and is apparently insisting that the paywall won’t remove it from the wider conversation because it will allow a “first click free” sort of program, whereby you’ll be able to read an article once if you click through from another site, before being asked to pay. While that might make the NY Times comfortable, it doesn’t make me comfortable at all. If there are no other options, I may still link to NY Times content, but I’m certainly going to be a lot more cautious linking to it. Why would I even risk pissing off my readers by a lockout when I can point them to another site that actually wants that traffic?

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