What If The AP Focused On Providing Business Services Instead Of Content To Newspapers?

There’s obviously been a lot of Associated Press-bashing around these parts lately, as the cooperative has been making a series of strategic blunders that are only serving to make it more and more obsolete. The bashing isn’t due to a dislike of the AP. It is more in the nature of seeing a car wreck about to happen, trying to yell out at the last minute and hoping disaster can be averted. But, of course, there is some question as to whether or not the Associated Press is even relevant any more at all. Still, it’s good to come up with some proactive solutions for what the AP could be doing that are a lot more reasonable than what it appears to be doing. Mathew Ingram points us to an interesting analysis by Steve Buttry, pointing out that what the AP should be focused on is providing business solutions to newspapers, rather than content solutions. Content is no longer the problem. Business models are the problem. Could the AP deliver solutions that help newspapers generate revenue? At this point, frankly, I’m not sure, but it seems like much more reasonable approach than pretending the internet doesn’t work the way it does.

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